Come springtime, you will find 70 year old Linda Schaefer at the Minnesota Twins ballpark, where she works as an usher about 55 days of the season. Linda’s love of the Twins spans over 60 years, starting in grade school when she listened (yes, listened, no TV) to games with her parents on their farm. She never outgrew this passion. The ballpark is Linda’s ‘happy place,’ which provided respite during 42 years as a full-time nurse, mostly working Intensive Care and ER during the night shift. Linda describes the culture shock of small-town girl exposed to the brutalities of battered women, neglected children, rape and gun shot victims. What began as a form of therapy—creating customized greeting cards—Linda now does for pure pleasure; and is happy to take orders for sale.

"Being alone is an opportunity to spread your wings and fly."- Linda Schaefer



Stay active; do what you want; be where you want

You need to have something outside of yourself—family, friends, hobbies

Avoid a victim mindset; rather, be the master of your own destiny

“I used to think about aging but since I’ve gotten there, I don’t think about it much.”


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Email: [email protected]

Show: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined

Twitter: @womenover70
