Boundaries don’t usually sound like fun (unless you get a thrill from breaking rules, in which case more power to you). But for the majority of us, especially those with a desire to travel, boundaries can kind of sound like a drag. Which is why when Dani Reyes-Acosta, a long-time road traveler and remote brand strategist, shares how learning to set boundaries for herself has actually been a key factor in her continued growth and even aided in her repeated decisions to say yes to travel-- well, we were pretty much hooked.

From what she learned driving a sedan around Mexico, to why she travels solo even though she has a partner, Dani’s stories show the liberating side of creating boundaries.

About Dani:

Dani Reyes-Acosta is a brand strategist, creative consultant, and everyday adventurer with a serious penchant for fresh foods (but an equally serious pizza problem).

Calling 6 countries and 6 western US states "home" since graduating from corporate life in 2014, she chases snow, rock, and surf adventure as a means to drive her personal and spiritual growth, finding origin, identity, and community in wild spaces.

As a digital nomad and founder of the Nomad Creativa brand strategy collective, she helps brands evolve to and public workshops that support a healthy future for public lands, public health, and community well-being.

While Nomad Creativa is her channel for professional creativity, her project, Not Lost, Just Discovering, provides an outlet for stories of heritage, adventure, and the journey within.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

Where Dani has traveled, and what got her started in the first place
Why she prefers slow travel
How travel helped Dani find healing from trauma
What creating boundaries has done for her travels, and beyond
How Dani feels about traveling solo now that she has a partner
The importance of finding balance when it comes to compassion
How taking things one step at a time is often the best approach

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Follow Dani on Instagram - @notlostjustdiscovering
Dani's website - Dani Reyes-Acosta
Nomad Creativa and on Instagram: @nomadcreativa
Women On The Road on Instagram - @womenontheroad
Join the Women On The Road Podcast Facebook group

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The Trip Podcast

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Episodes air weekly on Fridays-- subscribe wherever you listen so you never miss an episode. Follow along with Laura Hughes on Instagram (@howsheviewsit) and see more of her work through her website, How She Views It.

Music is by Josh Woodward.

WOTR podcast cover artwork designed by Dani Opal.