This week's show covers updates in the struggle for self-determination of West Papuans, including limitations of the Special Autonomy Law which was renewed in 2021, the Indonesian government’s push to break up the provinces of West Papua and Papua to create 5 smaller administrative regions, and issues related to freedom of expression, assembly and communication. We hear from Esther Haluk, a member of Garda Papua, a democratic movement of West Papuan people, as well as a lecturer at Walter Post Theological Seminary in Jayapura, and Veronica Koman, an Indonesian human rights lawyer who is currently in self-imposed exile in Australia. You can find out more information about the situation in West Papua by following the work of organisations like TAPOL, the International Coalition for Papua or ICP, and Komite Nasional Papua Barat or KPNB, plus don't forget to tune in to Voice of West Papua on 3CR every Tuesday from 6:30-7:30PM.