Can you believe it?? Season 2 of Women of HERstory: A Podcast has reached it's end. Things certainly don't always go as planned when we're recording... so we've compiled our favorite bloopers from over the last 6 months for your listening pleasure. We sincerely thank you all for listening to our show, we wouldn't be here without you! Hopefully this episode puts a little smile on your face.

Don't go too far! We will be coming back in August with not just new episodes, but a whole lot more. The projects we were hoping to launch earlier in the year have taken longer than we anticipated to get off the ground, but they're on their way! So make sure you're subscribed and following our social media pages to stay up to date on the happenings at HERstory Headquarters!

Be safe, stay healthy, and show the world what you're made of!

Instagram- @womenofherstorypodcast

Twitter- @theherstorypod

TikTok- @herstorypodcast

Facebook- Women of HERstory