Welcome to the Women of Golf Show!

Joining Cindy & I this week, Renee Skidmore  -Symetra Tour Player & Big Break - Florida.

Later, we interview :Katherine Roberts -  Founder and President, Yoga for Golfers®

Here's a little about Katherine:

For more than a decade, Katherine has been a leader and an innovator in the world of golf fitness. Her unique and highly effective approach to golf conditioning is a fusion of Western bio-mechanical science and Eastern mind/body conditioning that increases performance for serious sports athletes and golf enthusiasts of all levels.

Katherine’s work has been profiled by USA TODAY, The NY and LA Times, The National Post, Golf Magazine, Golfweek, US Airways Magazine, and Asian Golf Monthly. As a Golf Magazine Fitness Panel expert and a regular contributor to The Golf Channel, she has appeared on The Turn, The Big Break, Your Game Night, How Low Can You Go, and Game ON! Her golf fitness series, Swing Fault Solutions, continues to air in The Golf Channel’s international markets. She is the producer of nine DVDs and author of the ground-breaking book Yoga for Golfers (McGraw-Hill). Her second book, Swing Flaws and Fitness Fixes, was co-authored with Top-100 Golf Instructor, Hank Haney.

Join Cindy & I this Tuesday Morning at 9:00 AM EST at www.blogtalkradio.com/womenofgolf