Listen in as Dr. K talks about emotional bondage and how it effects our body, biology, DNA, our hearts, brain and energy levels.

We all have stressful days however emotional bondage does much more than just show up from time to time it stays with us if not uprooted, processed and healed for greater health, peace & joy!

Join in on our 31-Day "Mindfulness Moment"  Challenge here!

For each 31 days of the challenge, spend a few minutes completing the daily "Mindful Moment" activity!  In this mini-course challenge, we will focus on one step at a time linking the mind to our body (and breath) to help you develop a mindfulness practice that works for you!

Throughout this "mindfulness" challenge, you will learn how to do simple breathing techniques, various mindfulness meditations, a relaxing yoga sequence, strategies to quiet the mind, noticing areas of tension and discomfort in the body, and discovering tools to amplify your daily mindfulness experience.

Enroll in Introduction to Yoga- A 5 -week beginners course:

Sign up for Balancing the Chakras- 5 Day Masterclass

Follow Dr. K on Instagram @dr.k_womenlivinghealthy


Connect with Dr. K upcoming courses, coaching and workshops-- to learn more about 1:1 wellness coaching, private yoga, meditation and Reiki!