We all have the usual worries like paying bills, or dealing with loss and grief or changing careers, relationship issues etc…

👉We often think of the big life changing events and major stressors as being bad for our health but in actuality it’s those little daily stressors and annoyances like slow WiFi, waiting in traffic, constantly getting emails… social media alerts, hearing bad news all day etc… that negatively impacts our health in a big way!

👉All of these little daily stressors and annoyances add up and accumulate — keeping us in a very reactive, habitual and chronic stress response if we allow them to.

👉And you don’t have to allow it—- there are many things in life that we can not control obviously, but within you is a sanctuary of peace and the Power to choose how you relate and respond to life—-

👉Mindfulness, attitude, perception and responding without reacting are some key ways to begin protecting your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health against the little daily stressors so you can experience more ease, Joy and peace in your life…

Join in on our 31-Day "Mindfulness Moment"  Challenge anytime here! https://designandwellnessacademy.thinkific.com/courses/31-day-mindfulness-challenge

For each 31 days of the challenge, spend a few minutes completing the daily "Mindful Moment" activity!  In this mini-course challenge, we will focus on one step at a time linking the mind to our body (and breath) to help you develop a mindfulness practice that works for you!

Throughout this "mindfulness" challenge, you will learn how to do simple breathing techniques, various mindfulness meditations, a relaxing yoga sequence, strategies to quiet the mind, noticing areas of tension and discomfort in the body, and discovering tools to amplify your daily mindfulness experience.

Enroll in the Awakened Woman Group Coaching Program starting 4/18/22 https://designandwellnessacademy.thinkific.com/courses/awakenedwoman

Enroll in Introduction to Yoga- A 5 -week beginners course: https://designandwellnessacademy.thinkific.com/courses/5weekbeginneryoga

Follow Dr. K on Instagram @dr.k_womenlivinghealthy

 YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCG-80Qt1SOB9ahxWO7oMfKg

Connect with Dr. K upcoming courses, coaching and workshops-- https://www.designandwellness.com to learn more about 1:1 wellness coaching, private yoga, meditation and Reiki!