Elisabeth Embry talks with financial journalist Emma Johnson, founder of www.WealthySingleMommy.com, about how the definition of a family is changing in the US and how women can continue to be career driven, family oriented, and a sexual being.

The two discuss the importance of not relying on your significant other for financial support, but rather focusing on being able to care for yourself if things go bad, as well as working past the "working mom guilt" that society dumps on moms who work.

Key Takeaways:

[4:24] The definition/makeup of a family in the US has changed in recent years

[7:14] How does Emma balance being a mom, career woman, and a woman?

[9:39] A study that should free yourself from working mom guilt

[12:44] What was the catalyst for writing The Kickass Single Mom

[15:46] How do women create the financial foundation when they're a single income family

[19:50] Dating as a single mom

[23:22] Large chunks of Americans don't seem to be onboard with this movement, is there anything on the horizon Emma sees that will change that?

[27:23] Is this a book for single dads too?




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