Join Sharon today as she hosts Sherri Candelario, Ph.D.

Sherri is the co-founder of Kate’s House Foundation™, the first nationally accredited sober living homes in Washington state. Kate’s House are the first accredited homes to have medically approved treatments for co-occurring disorders of mental health and substance use disorder.

Shared Housing Solutions was founded in Seattle, Washington to purchase single family homes for a shared housing model in great and safe neighborhoods. Our houses are beautifully renovated and poised for appreciation and growth. Seattle has consistently ranked as one of the fastest growing state economies, a hub of technology and innovation and frequently ranks nationally as one of the highest real estate markets for both appreciation and demand.

We serve clients with housing insecurity issues. We formed Kate’s House Foundation ( to serve women. Then we discovered the overlooked need for housing for disabled veterans, men and women with justice issues, people in recovery, foster kids, mothers, adults aging in place, and people in drug court. Because our model is shared spaces in appreciating homes, we achieve 100% to 300% returns paid for by state and government contracts. We are national educators, advocates, and speakers on shared housing. We have a management team that provides client support and maintenance.




The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

Asset Protection, Tax Savings & Estate Planning: 

What do Jason’s clients say?

Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else 

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Guided Visualization for Investors:


Join Sharon today as she hosts Sherri Candelario, Ph.D.

Sherri is the co-founder of Kate’s House Foundation™, the first nationally accredited sober living homes in Washington state. Kate’s House are the first accredited homes to have medically approved treatments for co-occurring disorders of mental health and substance use disorder.

Shared Housing Solutions was founded in Seattle, Washington to purchase single family homes for a shared housing model in great and safe neighborhoods. Our houses are beautifully renovated and poised for appreciation and growth. Seattle has consistently ranked as one of the fastest growing state economies, a hub of technology and innovation and frequently ranks nationally as one of the highest real estate markets for both appreciation and demand.

We serve clients with housing insecurity issues. We formed Kate’s House Foundation ( to serve women. Then we discovered the overlooked need for housing for disabled veterans, men and women with justice issues, people in recovery, foster kids, mothers, adults aging in place, and people in drug court. Because our model is shared spaces in appreciating homes, we achieve 100% to 300% returns paid for by state and government contracts. We are national educators, advocates, and speakers on shared housing. We have a management team that provides client support and maintenance.




The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

Asset Protection, Tax Savings & Estate Planning: 

What do Jason’s clients say?

Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else 

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Guided Visualization for Investors: