Multi-Dimensional Intuitive Healer and Energy Practitioner Melissa Sarazin is an admired Personal Transformation Catalyst and Spiritual Business Mentor. She is a self-published author of “How Saying Yes to Depression Leads Us into Healing - A Journey Back to Self and a Life Abundant.” It is her honest and open account of how depression effected her life, how she took responsibility for her part in the challenges that kept showing up, no matter where in the world she was…and woke up to face that which scared her the most. It shares her deepest inner experiences that brought her back to her core, and how she was able to heal from her past. She is also a co- author of the International Best Selling Book "365 Ways to Connect with Your Soul." She helps spiritual women who have been on a sacred path for some time, and yet still struggle with specific areas of their life and business. It is Melissa’s passion and life purpose to support women in healing their bodies, and resetting their energy blueprints so that they can step out into the world with confidence, clear guidance and self sovereignty.

Phone: 519-375- 7558

Skype: energyawarecoach


Twitter: MelissaSarazin

Women Innovators with Tami Patzer