Debra Graugnard
CEO of JoyfullyLiving

For Debra, it happened during a week-long Computer Networking course in 1993. This transcendent experience revealed that her 6-year-long healing journey with ulcerative colitis (which taught her practical skills for cleansing and healing the body) was resolved through love.
Finding and studying with her spiritual teacher for the next 20 years led her to fulfill her innermost desire, which turned out to be a deep, deep longing for God. Through this relationship and study, Debra helped develop and expand a Sufi Community in Northern California and the University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism. Today, she still works with the University, whose mission is to train healers, peacemakers and leaders to carry the message of Peace, Love, Mercy, Justice and Freedom to the world.

In her private practice, Debra’s programs focus on helping people heal from issues related to food addiction, emotional eating and digestive dysfunction. She is most passionate about helping people make changes that improve their personal lives and simultaneously create an environment for healing and sustainability for all of humanity, the animal kingdom, nature and the planet. Debra understands how our relationships with food and our bodies reflect the state of our relationship with God and our deepest inner truths.

Debra founded Joyfully Living Wellness, the online home of her virtual private practice and transformational group programs. She leads weekly interfaith spiritual meditations and courses at her online Community for Conscious Living.

To Learn More:
Email: [email protected]

Women Innovators with Tami Patzer