Next Episode: Why I Survived

In this special episode, Denise sits down with Lashawnda Smith, host of The First Year Business Podcast. Get all the links and listen to the podcast in the Women in Podcasting Show Notes at

Denise and Lashawnda discuss some of the common challenges that new business owners face, and share some useful tips and personal experiences to help listeners succeed.

Also, Congrats to Denise Taylor on the 100th episode of her Embrace Your Power Podcast! That is quite an achievement. It's a must listen, and here's to many more!

The First Year Business Podcast is Hosted by Lashawnda Smith. This podcast was created to be used as a tool to help guide you through your first year in business. This Podcast will help you if you are a new coach, course creator, or service professional. With over 9 years of business experience, I will cover topics that will help you through the rollercoaster of running a business online, share some useful business tips, and share some of my personal business experiences. The goal is to make you a better business owner who is clear on your business direction, knowledgeable about the steps to take, and as a result, building a strong successful business.

If you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a new business owner, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to hear Denise and Lashawnda's insightful conversation, and gain some valuable insights and inspiration to help you on your own journey. 

Women in Podcasting Network - a place where women in podcasting can connect, collaborate and celebrate! Whether you're a new or seasoned podcaster, we invite you to join our community. There will be opportunities for asking questions, offering tips, sharing your episodes, calls for guests, guest applications and helping each other. If you're not a member yet, join our VIP members for tools and strategies for monetizing your podcast and up-leveling your life: