Celebrate & Elevate Women’s Voices!

21 Women in Podcasting Celebrate International Women’s Day

Meet 21 amazing women podcasters. Connect with each of them, listen to and watch their shows, and leave them a 5 star review. Help us in elevating women’s voices everywhere! You can find all the links & resources mentioned in today's episode in our show notes here: https://womeninpodcasting.net/podcast

We have lots of ways you can help with celebrating international Women’s Day on March 8th:

In celebration of international Women’s Day, please share this episode. We have 45 International Women's Day images you can share. Find them in our shows notes.  Please connect with all the powerful women podcasters from this episode below. Please listen to or watch their show, subscribe and leave a 5 star review.  Join us over in the Women in Podcasting Groups on Facebook and Linkedin.  Join the Women in Podcasting Network. Your membership helps us in our mission to elevate women’s voices everywhere! Go here: www.womeninpodcasting.net and click JOIN in the menu. 

Women in Podcasting Network - a place where podcast hosts & expert guests can connect, collaborate and celebrate! Whether you're a new or seasoned podcaster, we invite you to join our community. There are opportunities for asking questions, offering tips, sharing your episodes, calls for guests, guest applications and supporting each other.