Welcome back to the Women In-Depth Podcast, my guest this week is Chonteau McElvin who has been described as modern day medicine woman.

Chonteau wears many hats but her main reason for being on the planet is to assist in the awakening and remembrance that we are all connected and the time to step into our brilliance is now. In her early 20’s she received a vision and was told by Spirit that she was a teacher and healer of the old ways. This is when her modern day Shamanic training began. She completed her formal education as a Social Worker, followed in the footsteps of her father and became a Naturalist. At 20, her father taught her how to do self-hypnotism and she began to hone her skills as a Mindfulness Practition er, Folk Healer, and Herbalist.

For as long as she can remember she has been giving to others. As a child, she remembers being a volunteer for Meals on Wheels, she served lunch to “at risk” children. The spirit of service was instilled in her at an early age. What was not instilled in her, was the spirit of self-care. When tough times arrived, she did not know how to navigate her way through it. She did not know what it meant to take care of herself.

Twelve years ago, when she suffered major personal losses, she was forced to evaluate her self-care and spiritual practices, and something amazing happened, she put “spirituality into action” and soul self-care became a way of life. She wishes she could tell you life transitions are easier when you are a Lightworker or Alternative Healer, when in fact, our need for soul nourishment is greater because of all we give. For those of us who are constantly giving to others, there does not always seem to be a safe place to our deep soul work. This can leave us feeling frustrated, fragmented and lonely, which equates to, an inability to be fully present with our clients, families and most importantly ourselves.

Full show notes available at https://lourdesviado.com/womenindepth