“...A universal path, a divine feminine path and...a universal quest for adventure, for transformation, for self discovery.” This is how awardwinning writer, teacher and consultant Janet Lucy, M.A defines the heroine’s journey. But why does it matter? In what stages does it occur and how can we identify them? Join us as Janet elaborates on the heroine’s journey, discovering one’s inner voice and courageously pursuing the path inward.

As the founder and director of Women’s Creative Network, Janet facilitates creative and professional development through writing workshops. She is also the author of The Three Sunflowers, a children’s book for all ages and the co-author of Moon Mother, Moon Daughter ~ Myths and Rituals That Celebrate a Girl’s Coming of Age. Janet holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Antioch University and a California Teaching Credential from UC Santa Barbara. She offers individual consulting and counseling, weekly groups and international writing retreats in Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru and Italy.

Look up for an upcoming episode of Women in Depth with Janet Lucy and Terri Allison, Janet’s co-author in Moon Mother, Moon Daughter. Learn more and keep up with Janet at:

