“Mythology and storytelling are age-old methods of passing along wisdom, sharing experience, and explaining or teaching about life.”

Learning to trust your intuition, feelings, and dreams is a powerful experience.                               

With all the stories and lessons told to children today, our society does not seem to support the notion that women should learn to trust their intuition. This is a meaningful lesson for any woman, whether she’s a Maiden, Mother, or Crone. This is a lesson that is truly universal.

In this episode, I talk with Janet Lucy about her new children’s book Mermaid Dreams. This book encompasses many missing lessons from today’s children’s literature, while also depicting the connection between mother and daughter. Janet also tells the powerful story of goddesses and how goddess mythology illuminated her ideas within the book.

Take a listen to learn Janet’s new book Mermaid Dreams and how this story passes along universal wisdom to women.

About Janet Lucy:

Janet Lucy is an award-winning writer and poet, most notably the book Moon Mother, Moon Daughter: Myths and Rituals that Celebrate a Girl’s Coming of Age. She earned her master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from Antioch University. She’s also the founder and director of Women’s Creative Network, which is a consulting business utilizing intuitive, creative, and professional development through writing. She is passionate about the connection between mothers and daughters and how mythologies and stories coincide with the universal truths that women experience.

Some Questions I Ask:

What inspired you to write Mermaid Dreams? (3:14) What is the significance of the Mermaid to you? (7:17) How does the story in Mermaid Dreams depicts the connection between mother and daughter? (12:46) What coming-of-age concepts does Mermaid Dreams address? (14:15)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

About the story of the African goddess Yemaya. (9:12) How the power to change your dreams coincides with the power you have over your psyche. (15:03) How Janet’s book teaches children to go within themselves and learn to trust their inner voice. (18:00) How Janet’s books apply to all women. (20:54) How women’s internalized beliefs can manifest into the basis of fear. (25:15)


Episode 91: The Heroine’s Journey: The Call to Transformation

Episode 95: Mothers, Daughters, Myth & Moon: Rituals to Honor a Girls’ Coming-of-Age

Janet Lucy’s Website

Janet’s Books

Women’s Weekly Writing Groups

Women’s Creative Network