How do you respond to the word trauma?

Sometimes, those who experienced trauma reject even the term itself. Instead of acknowledging it and starting the healing process, survivors often minimize their experiences. When this happens, sometimes both healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms are normalized for them, as well.

Childhood trauma is specifically difficult to deal with and conquer the lasting effects of. It’s oftentimes buried deep within and oftentimes has a silencing effect on the person and they grow into adulthood. This world of silence inhibits their behavior, mindset, and various aspects of life.

This is where therapy is needed. Even if the trauma happened 20 or more years ago, it’s never too late to heal. You can always take steps toward healing that trauma no matter how long ago it was.

In this episode, I talk with Amy Van Slambrook. She shares some deep insight into the specific behaviors and tendencies that survivors demonstrate, how to identify them, and how a partner may be able to assist in the healing process. She also shares some beautiful, impactful words of wisdom for any survivors listening to this podcast today.

Take a listen to Amy’s moving story and take one step closer toward breaking the silence.

About Amy Van Slambrook

Amy Van Slambrook is a licensed psychotherapist, certified life and workplace coach, experienced consultant, and writer. She is passionate about the work she does and compassionately interacts with her clients.

Amy has overcome significant hurdles in her life—her own journey and healing from real life struggles, wounds, and trauma. She was able to spark the healing process in herself through the best training ground available. This experience is one that solidified her vocational calling: to help others—especially women and couples—experience freedom, heal and gain the power from their past.

Some Questions I Ask:

How were you drawn to this work? (3:13) Could you share a couple of examples of what trauma looks like? (21:07) What can you see or hear that demonstrates how trauma is impacting relationships? (29:40) How can the partner of a trauma survivor love and support their partner? (36:29) What words of wisdom do you have to offer trauma survivors? (40:22)


In This Episode, You Will Learn:

Why trauma survivors minimize experience and normalize their coping behaviors and experiences. (7:25) How childhood trauma ripples to affect adult relationships and behaviors. (12:03) How trauma reveals itself in the body rather than through language. (14:50) Why trauma survivors are generally calm in crises situations. (18:18) Why survivors get stuck in a cycle of trauma. (26:13) How men often suffer in silence as a result of childhood abuse. (39:36)



Daniel G. Amen

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.

Soul-Healing Love by Dr. Tom Rodgers and Dr. Beverly Rodgers


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