“It’s really about approaching ourselves with love and compassion and approaching the stuff with love and compassion. It’s not the enemy. There’s nothing wrong with the stuff, it’s just getting real with ourselves and going ‘Do I want to keep carrying this? Is it time?’”

In a culture that simultaneously prioritizes materialism and organization, our accumulated belongings can become unmanageable.

As she confronted stagnant energy in the form of her own clutter, Michael Spencer unearthed a new, soulful approach to the flourishing minimalism movement. Using her background as a mental health counselor, Michael developed and founded Let’s Purify, an online service dedicated to purifying our living spaces, personal energy, and the planet. Let’s Purify helps people release attachment to accumulated belongings and experience greater freedom.

In this podcast, Dr. Viado and Michael Spencer discuss:

The five components of home energy purification The difference between “purging” and energy purification Confronting sentimental objects and objects we feel we should be sentimental about Getting honest with ourselves about attachments to our objects

