On today’s show, we talk Russia and Ukraine. If you listen to the mainstream media and U.S. politicians on the airwaves, it certainly seems like Russia is about to invade Ukraine. What’s going on? Are we on the verge of a new war between Russia and the United States? 

Musician Neil Young has decided to remove his music from Spotify in response to the fact that Joe Rogan has continued to push forward COVID-19 misinformation. #CancelSpotify has been trending on twitter and the drama that has ensued raises serious questions on the issue of censorship and so-called free speech. We are joined by Chris Garaffa of Tech for the People to discuss.

The irony was thick today when Joe Biden arrived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to boast about the infrastructure bill passing, only to arrive hours after a nearby bridge collapsed. Activists and community members in Pittsburg demand real action on the failing infrastructure in Pittsburg among many other failures of the capitalist system. We are joined by Kitt Baril from the Party for Socialism and Liberation in Pittsburg.

Sunday, January 30th marks the 1 year anniversary of the brutal murder of 84 year old Thai elder Vicha Ratanapakdee in San Francisco. His death has been seen by many as a galvanizing moment in the fight against Anti-Asian violence. Organizers in cities across the country have been mobilizing to demand justice for Vicha and to demand an end to the racist violence that continues to terrorize the asian community. We are joined by Don Vu Founding Member of Stand with Asian Americans.