Sabine Gedeon is the Founder and Chief Transformation Officer at Empowered By Purpose. With a focus on Leadership, Career, and Life Coaching/Consulting she provides support to individuals and organizations, helping ambitious, mission-driven Millennials go from lost, unfulfilled, and even stuck, to gaining freedom, finding fulfillment, and increasing their impact on the lives of those around them.

With over 13 years experience serving as an HR professional, Coach and Advisor to career professionals and leaders in Fortune 100 companies, along with my own practice, Sabine's passion (and life's calling) is helping others grow, develop, and live out the true purpose of their lives.

Sabine holds a Bachelor's in Human Resource Management and a Master's in Management & Organizational Leadership. For inquiries or to work with Sabine, send an email to [email protected] or reach out via LinkedIn.