Join the conversation with Dr. Charlene, Prophetess Samantha, Minister Tricia, Mom Frazier & Prophetess Servola as we discuss overcoming past hurts to pursue your destiny. Have you isolated yourself from those who love you because you've told yourself its too painful to talk about and know one really understands anyway? Don't be dismayed; you're on the road to overcoming that hurt. Join in as we take you into the next two steps to overcoming hurt--bargaining and depression. Before accepting that this really did occur and you can move past it, most people begin bargaining within themselves about why "it" happened and how "it" could have been avoided (if I only....).  When unable to justify or rationalize "why", people begin to slide into depression, wrestling with the though of being powerless.  nThis week, we'll help you understand that it's perfectly normal to begin bargaining between your pain and the new normal.  We'll answer why you dive into depression before accepting the realization that though hurt, you can move on to fulfill a healthy and peaceful life.  Join the conversation today on Women CAMP!