Join the conversation with Servola, Dr. Charlene, Samantha, and Tricia on today's broadcast as we discuss living life without limits through a life of discipline. Three months into this new year, this is when most people have completely abandoned their new year resolutions. As we continue our journey of living fearlessly, I began to ponder the question, "Why do we limit ourselves along this journey of life?" We start strong, motivated to conquer every mountain and defeat all giants. But somewhere along the way, our motivation wains and we find ourselves limited by lack of disicpline. We know we should keep going inspite of the naysayers and demotivators, but instead of pressing through the "I don't want to I don't feel like it moments", we allow undisciplined inactions and distractions to limit us.  Recently, I heard a success coach say, "The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the successful person does what no one wants to do." That hit me like a ton of bricks. You mean, if I continue doing the things that I don't want to do to succeed, I will overcome the lack of discipline to continue doing what must be done to overcome my limits? Wow, that's an eye opener.  Are you willing to do what it takes to finish what you started? What are you willing to sacrifice to live a disciplined, limitless life? Join us today, as we discuss some sacrifices that are required dto experience no more limits in your fearless journey.