Sometimes our lives are smooth and we think we have everything under control. The future is set in stone. We do not even think to change direction, we are happy  or we think we are, until, during a split second, everything changes. and our guest of today Terri Mitchell .. came across such a split second .

She had this prompting from her heart to do something to help others. Her repeated  question “What can I do for the community "

Her project from the heart is… hosting events. she founded a speaker platform for aspiring speakers in the Social Change, Inclusion and Health space .

Visit her

4.43  You found your passion after the accident
6.26  Is there a specific topic for the speakers
9.35  Confidence and Public Speaking
12.24  Issues with finding the right room
16.57  Being asked
20.25  Next step to take
23.12  Lack of confidence