Today with the Covid-19 we are confronted like never before with people passing. Every day we see the number going up. We cling to life. Life is precious.

People isolated and left to die without love ones on their side is very disturbing. Care for those who are about to pass over or perhaps not, is important. 

Dead is part of life. It is a transition from one world to another world, a spiritual event rather than a medical.

Claire O'Berry is American, a Texan,  married to Terry Mepham. They live in Western Australia.
She cared for her parents in the later part of their life. She and her husband became passionate with helping people with what they call " Dying your way".
An amazing journey of compassion and love.
Claire is a certified  End of Life Doula and Patient Advocate.

More information on

6.02    What is a Doula?
9.00    A distant relationship with my mum.
11.56  The accident was a time to slow down
13.08  We are  aligned in our minds and our hearts with helping people.
14.20   You almost sense the relief they feel.
17.35  Physical pain is sometimes less an issue than emotional pain.
21.15  There are ways to alleviate pain.
22.00 Death is a major life event.

co-host Jeff Poole 
Jeff has a long experience working in communications and marketing including authoring books, writing content for clients, television reality cooking shows and public speaking. While born in New Zealand, he is of Australian heritage and lived a large part of his life there so both cultures are home to him.