Steps Toward Contentment

Wake up early and take the time to be grateful for the tiniest things. If you’re tired, go to bed early. If you can’t, try taking a nap. I was never able to nap until I turned 60. Now every other day I take a 45-minute nap. I am refreshed.
Only watch the news in the morning. Hit the high points and get out. If you feel powerless, write a letter to your congressman. Complain to the people in charge. Donate 10 bucks to The World Kitchen. Go through your drawers and donate stuff you never wear. You have power, use it.
Have you tried meditation? Or just take 10 minutes to say a prayer for yourself. I read a little prayer every morning with my cup of coffee. Or write down your own word for the day. Lots of days I read from an old Daily Word from the original Betty Ford Clinic. “I can have the day I want.”
Engage in any type of exercise. Whatever it is: walking, swimming, riding a bike, window shopping. Every step counts.
Put a step counter on your phone or use the one on your smart watch. It will make you accountable. I have double my steps by doing this. I walk to manage my anxiety, which, if left alone, eventually turns into depression. Exercise helps me focus my thoughts.
I worked with Richard Simmons about 100 years ago. He’d say, “Denisey, move more, eat less.” How simple is that? Eating is about needs, habits, obsessions, filling the void, social contacts. It’s huge. If you eat too much and you want to change, write down what you eat every day. A food diary is the only way to know what you really consume. Start with accurate amounts and then tackle calories.
Lisa suggested going sober for the summer…Let’s not be silly…I can agree to one glass of wine instead of two.
Cull your friends list on social media. Negativity is bye-bye. Do you have friends on FB or Instagram that always complain about the same thing? Why aren’t they learning? Worse yet, why are you listening? Would it be helpful if you pointed it out to them? If you do and they are upset, let them block you! Real friends change your life for the good and are there for the bad.
Visualize where you want to be. I am learning to visualize my retirement. It has taken me two years. I loved my work, but I am finally able to say I love not going to work!
And, lastly, if you have mixed feelings about life, or can’t find a happy or contented peace, try talking to a friend that listens, a pastor or a therapist (find one on a sliding scale that can help you). Yes, life is hard and tedious. But it’s also wonderful and exhilarating.

Lisa Stollman's newsletter always gives me food for thought. I got the idea for this episode from her. You can sign up to receive her newsletter for free here:


Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.



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