This week Denise talks about working with her ADHD.



ADHD Workbook for Women by Sarah Davis and Linda Hill
Anyone Can Improve Their Focus, Huberman Lab Podcast #37
Behavior: Hail to the Hyperactive Hunter, Time Magazine, July 18, 1994
Behavior: Attention Deficient Disorder: Life in Overdrive, Time Magazine, July 18, 1984

Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.



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Denise Vivaldo is the host of WBACA. Her info lives here
More of Denise’s info is here
Cindie Flannigan is the producer WBACA. Her info lives here
Denise and Cindie’s books