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This week Denise chats with her old friend, Rev. Pamela Nelson-Munson. They talk about how neither one was “good in school,” and how they eventually found their places, how a pastor is like a mistress, and taking a break to go to culinary school. She says, “Thinking if I worked hard, was polite, smiled, and wore deodorant that everyone would play nice in the sandbox.” Rev. Pam shares with us some wisdom and some things she’d like to be able to do over:


Not be so quick to please as a defense mechanism.
Withhold immediate responses, and trust that tomorrow brings its own wisdom.
Have talked more over with my dad for his long view.      
Asked my mother more about herself (apart from being a mother and a wife).
Listened more than talked with my daughters.
Not followed my grandfather’s and father’s maxim: the job comes 1st.


Wisdom/Lessons (If I had it to do all over again):

God is love. Period. That love is broader and more encompassing and deeper and more than our feeble minds can comprehend…so don’t’re not God.
Sometimes all you must do is show up, and amazing things happen.
Old/er folks have amazing stories you can learn from.
It takes so little to have people feel heard.
A lot of women our mother’s age (and our age) have been sexually abused and have held shame for decades.
Children are as important as adults when giving time/attention/importance.     
People are more involved, creative, happy, and take ownership when given encouragement and free rein to follow their bliss.
Make plans; God laughs.


Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.



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