Denise chats with her friend from Australia, Anne Coulter, about her remarkable vitality, energy, and zest for life! Denise and Anne met at a memoir writers retreat and hit it off immediately. Anne says she is a mature spontaneous spirit on a life pilgrimage for the joy of the journey.


Alison Waring, Memoir Writing, Ink.

Disrupt Aging by Jo Ann Jenkins


Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.




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Denise Vivaldo is the host of WBACA. Her info lives here

More of Denise’s info is here

Cindie Flannigan is the producer WBACA. Her info is here

Denise and Cindie’s books