During these rough times of pandemic self-isolation and coronavirus fear, our friend Patti Londre suggested she entertain us with something really different – how to be an actor with no talent required. Of course, right now, everything is on hold. But let’s talk about what Background Acting has entailed in the past and what direction it may be headed in when production starts up again.

Patti has been a business owner and entrepreneur throughout her career. She ran a successful boutique public relations agency for 25 years, retired from that and then reinvented herself in the early days of blogging by creating one of the first national conferences for food bloggers. She dallied in being fully retired for at least a dozen years, and during that time had a lot of fun in an evolving array of Hobby Jobs (also known as being a volunteer). When a fashion photographer suggested she look into silver modeling (as in shiny gray-haired lady), her ego fluffed up again. That panned out to zero but lead her to a VERY LA job…background acting in TV series, movies and commercials!

Show links:
Los Angeles Central Casting
Quilts from the Heart

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Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.
Denise Vivaldo, host and producer. Denise’s books on Amazon.
All other hats worn by Cindie Flannigan. See Cindie’s work here.