Dr. Chaya Lieba Kobernick is a clinical psychologist who is super passionate about increasing access to evidence-based care, improving training for mental health providers, and increasing awareness and education in the frum community. In this week's episode, Dr. K and I discuss crisis times vs healing times and ripping off the band-aid known as coping mechanisms.

The post Ep. 65: Cope In Crisis, Then Heal with Dr. Chaya Lieba Kobernick appeared first on The Woman of Valor Podcast with Bari Mitzmann.

Dr. Chaya Lieba Kobernick is a clinical psychologist who is super passionate about increasing access to evidence-based care, improving training for mental health providers, and increasing awareness and education in the frum community. In this week’s episode, Dr. K and I discuss crisis times vs healing times and ripping off the band-aid known as coping mechanisms.
To learn more about Dr. K and her practice, the CBT/DBT Center, head to thecbtdbtcenter.com

The post Ep. 65: Cope In Crisis, Then Heal with Dr. Chaya Lieba Kobernick appeared first on The Woman of Valor Podcast with Bari Mitzmann.