Hadassah is a kind, often smiling woman. She dons a shaitel and dresses modestly. She is a wife and mother. She is also a survivor of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is not discussed often enough, but we know it exists in our community. We know that it exists in every community. I commend Hadassah, who we will refer to by first name only, for speaking about her journey to healing. I thank Hadassah for her bravery and vulnerability, and encourage everyone to check out the show notes, as Hadassah has compiled a list of resources that have helped her in her healing journey. For those of you who are listening and have survived sexual abuse, you're not alone. I urge you to find the support you need, to find those rays of hope.

The post Ep. 51: Rays of Hope with Hadassah appeared first on The Woman of Valor Podcast with Bari Mitzmann.

Hadassah is a kind, often smiling woman. She dons a shaitel and dresses modestly. She is a wife and mother. She is also a survivor of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is not discussed often enough, but we know it exists in our community. We know that it exists in every community. I commend Hadassah, who we will refer to by first name only, for speaking about her journey to healing. I thank Hadassah for her bravery and vulnerability, and encourage everyone to check out the show notes, as Hadassah has compiled a list of resources that have helped her in her healing journey. For those of you who are listening and have survived sexual abuse, you’re not alone. I urge you to find the support you need, to find those rays of hope.
Click here to listen on Shmuzy

Resource list, compiled by this week’s guest:


Ray of Hope: Support Group for frum women who are survivors of sexual abuse (www.rayofhopeus.org)

Project HEAL by Amudim (https://unitetoheal.com)

Guidance, support:

ASAP: subsidized therapy for survivors of sexual abuse

SIA 12 step Program: (https://siawso.org)


The Courage To Heal Workbook (workbook for survivors of sexual abuse) by Laura Davis

The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk MD

Healing Trauma by Peter Levine

Miss America By Day by: Marilyn Van Derbur (trigger content warning)

Sexual Healing Journey by Wendy Maltz


“Broken Girl” by Matthew West

“Make You” by Lindsey El

The post Ep. 51: Rays of Hope with Hadassah appeared first on The Woman of Valor Podcast with Bari Mitzmann.