Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.... We haven't quite seen the Warriors struggle with injuries the way they have this season so it was extra painful to see them lose at home to the Toronto Raptors in Game 6. But what hurts more is knowing the organization is uprooting to San Francisco which is likely to cause a whole host of issues - more displacement, more gentrification, more traffic, and of course, pricier game tickets.

As Bay Area natives we know firsthand what it feels like to be from somewhere that is often overlooked or misrepresented and with the rise of the Golden State Warriors, it felt like a new light and a new appeal had emerged on the entire Bay, namely Oakland. So to see them leave definitely hurts and the people and economy of Oakland are going to feel the biggest impact. While we are not happy about the move (and anticipate high rise condos and possibly a Whole Foods to be constructed around the Oracle), we know the love the players had for the Town and for their dedication to community over the years, we are thankful. They'll truly be missed!