Our Season 2 premiere provides for an interesting discussion on the use of the n-word, specifically as it pertains to its use by our non-black homies. Refa One joins us as we dissect the behaviors, intentions, and desires of those wanting to align themselves with Black culture and identity but not realizing how their efforts are inherently discourteous.

In this conversation, we also discuss the role of Black people providing space for other people of color (who are not Black/African American) to adopt the use of the word and how in order to move forward, we as Black people, may have to bury the word altogether. Thoughts?

We’re also really excited about the premiere of our “Dear Simones” segment where you can email or dm us questions you’d like our expertise on :). This also provides space for you to get to know us more on subjects outside of Bay Area life and culture. Hit us up @[email protected].