In this episode recorded over a cup of ceremonial cacao, I catch up with Florencia Fridman, my “cacao mama”. Her beautiful cacao ceremony offerings served as a doorway for me to connect to the spirit of cacao, and since then I’ve had the joy of doing a cacao ceremony training with Flo, as well as traveling to Guatemala with the cacao brand she runs with her brother, Cacao Laboratory. 

We discuss: 

How Florencia got into ceremonial cacao 

Florencia’s experience going to a mystery school in Guatemala

Answering the call to work with ceremonial cacao 

Understanding the medicine of cacao through Maya Cosmovision 

Cacao as a sacred food that helps us connect deeper with our relationship with Spirit 

The one time that an Amazonian Indigenous elder asked Florencia for a cup of ceremonial cacao 

The relationship between the spirits of plants and the dream world 

Flo’s earliest memories of connecting with the Spirit realm 

The first time Florencia met her spirit guides

Ksenia shares how she overcame the fear of the unseen beings 

Florencia’s experience moving from Argentina to USA as a kid

Going off your path to come back stronger than ever

How a marriage led Florencia to exploring shadow work 

Finding your own way outside of a romantic partnership

How ending a marriage propelled Florencia to commit to her spiritual path 

Experiencing the energetic blueprint of freedom 

Facing self-sabotage and shame and exploring internal conflict 

Owning and honoring your ancestry and DNA

How Florencia’s relationship with cacao has evolved 

The magic of drinking cacao with local plants

Plants that work synergistically with cacao – like blue lotus and mugwort 

Florencia’s rituals with cacao 

Spirit-led relationship with business

Balance between humility and owning your worth 

Rituals to nourish a brand

Welcoming it all and generously allowing emotions to move through your experience 

Choosing to live a fully expressed human experience 

Lessons from plants and two months in Ecuador that Florencia is integrating 

Activating your voice and trusting your path

Social media through the lens of Spirit 

Activating the new dream

Florencia’s community platform Florecer and the vision for it 

Episode sponsors:

Op e  n

Open is a meditation and breathwork app I’ve been loving. I’ve been wanting to re-commit to a daily meditation practice and this January, I will be doing a daily meditation + breathwork challenge with Open! Learn more and join me here: With my link, you will get free access to breathwork, meditation and movement practices for the month of January, and a chance to win an Open in-person retreat in 2023 (valued at $2k-$5k). 


Have you ever bought anything after hearing an ad on a podcast? I know I have. Whether you want to diversify your ad spend, add a new marketing stream, or test out podcast ads, Zencastr – a longtime partner of this show – now has its own Creator Network that makes it easy for brands to connect with podcasters with aligned content and audiences. Interested in sponsoring podcast ads for your business and maybe even this show? Go to and fill out the contact form so that Zencastr can help you bring your business story to life. 


Cacao Lab Ceremonial Cacao - use code BREAKFASTCRIMINALS for 15% off 

What is cacao ceremony? 

The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (Sacred Activism) by Charles Eisenstein

Caro Arevalo

Chiricaspi plant 

Anima Mundi Blue Lotus Flower to add to your ceremonial cacao

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert 

Naku healing center in Ecuador

Related episodes: 

14 Florencia Fridman: Cacao Ceremony and Maya Cosmo-Vision, Align Making Money With Your Divine Purpose

223 How Jessica Scheer Helped An Indigenous Spiritual Leader Grow A 550K Community On TikTok: Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Technology

169 Anima Mundi Founder Adriana Ayales: Meeting the Sacred in Plants, Business and Money

145 Michelle Sinnette: New Paradigm of Business with Legacy Cacao Founder

104: Caro Arevalo – Stay True To The Essence You Want To Share with The World

98 Mark Elmy: Mayan Astrology as a Key To Decoding The Matrix

Connect with Florencia Fridman: 



Cacao: Food of the Gods Documentary 

Connect with Ksenia:

Instagram @ksenia.brief

YouTube Ksenia Brief

TikTok @ksenia.brief

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