Daje James aka The Story Doula is a brand strategist, author, artist, and story doula. This is one of the most important conversations I’ve ever had on my podcast, planting powerful seeds for new ways to show up online and approach business. 

Out of the ashes of old paradigm business strategies, arise beautiful intuitive, cyclical ways of being in the world. 

We discuss: 

Finding beauty in tension 

Being an enneagram 7

Writing as a portal of transformation 

Looking inside, instead of outside, to understand who you are (self-referral vs object-referral via Deepak Chopra)

The power of being present with your story

Dharmic creative flow

Being an expression of the Creator

Surrendering your life 

Daje’s spiritual and human journey and experience with religion as a child 

Daje shares her experience being a worship leader 

Tending to the portal of your work

Facing the fears of being unoriginal, incompetent and irrelevant because of lack of formal schooling 

Not dancing around discomfort

Letting go of pleasing people 

Owning the bigness of your soul 

Meeting a hybrid human from another star system

Why past lives and other star systems are extracurricular activities 

The story of the timelines converging in one Instagram account

Bridging art, strategy, marketing, business and spirituality 

Daje’s ancestor that shows up often in readings 

The moment at coffee shop when Daje’s “piercing” soul got reflected back to her 

Learning to allow your soul to do what it’s here to do 

How is it possible that different people get the same energy downloads? 

Regenerative business practices and letting go of old paradigm strategy

Grace as a portal of innovation  

Cyclical strategies and the medicine of masculine cyclicality 

Why alignment alone won’t cut it

Letting go of obsession with linearity 

Making space for soul work 

Allowing things to all apart in the creative process

Releasing binary story of success 

Trusting yourself to be held through identify death

Related episodes: 

176 Blair Badenhop: Trust The Discomfort and Come Home To The Truth Of Who You Are

174 Aaron Rose: Integrating Spiritual Awakening Into The Human Experience and Becoming Uncancellable

172 Part One: I forgot who I am

173 Part Two: I'm remembering who I am 

Connect with Daje James aka The Story Doula:

Instagram: @thestorydoula 


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