Well, the MSM has been receiving black eye after black eye here this week. First, BuzzFeed puts out a bombshell story that purported to prove that Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress about his Moscow building projects. Democrats and liberal pundits immediately cried IMPEACHMENT before the ink had even dried. Then Mueller, in an unprecedented move, released a statement seemingly refuting the entire BuzzFeed story. What has followed has been truly jaw-dropping. Putting aside the mockery BuzzFeed has rightly received, it's their stance that has shocked me. Not only have they stuck to their guns but these arrogant guys have challenged Mueller on what he knows about his own evidence that he has gathered during his own probe. Mind-boggling stuff. IMO, BuzzFeed truly thinks they have the truth. But this isn't the first time BuzzFeed has thought they 'found' a bombshell only to have it shown to be a turd. 

 Lastly, Laura Loomer decided to further humiliate herself and Conservatives at large by breaking onto Nancy Pelosi's Property (and attempting to break into Pelosi's house itself). How is she not in jail? Didn't we just get done condemning AntiFa for surrounding Tucker Carlson's house and harassing him? But then we're supposed to cheer Laura Loomer. I don't think so. 


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