Holy Week is supposed to be a time for reflection on Jesus Christ. We are to focus on His death and Resurrection for our sins. And yet, Holy Week in 2019 was consumed in fire, shrapnel and death. First, Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire and burned thru the night leaving a mere shell of the magnificent building that's stood before. We are told this wasn't arson, before any investigation could even happen. 

Sri Lanka, on Easter, was a place of horror and death. Islamic Terrorists set off bombs at 3 churches and 3 hotels. 300 dead. Simply appalling. What more can I even say? Just as revolting as the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand- which was all Muslin victims. in Sri Lanka, the victims are all Christian. Yet the MSM cannot bring themselves to acknowledge that Christians can possibly be victims- despite being the most persecuted faith in the world. 

The West is rushing into the abyss. 

America is embracing it's own demise: Socialism. 

Douglas Murray was right. The Suicide of the West.