Well, who would have thought the Mueller report would ever end. I really didn't think it would. It seemed like it might drag into 2020. Maybe they wanted it too originally but who knows. Either way, this Report, at least according to Barr, seems to totally vindicate Trump as far as Collusion is concerned. Mueller found no Collusion. And Obstruction is murky as best. So where does this leave us? Where? All the money, all the time, the media lies, the outright conspiracy theories, the destroyed lives (Flynn, Corsi, Roger Stone), ....again the total, final nail in the coffin, destruction for the American News Media. Brit Hume called it, 'The worst media debacle in my 50 years in media.'....After Covington and Kavanaugh and Jussie Smollett, the BuzzFeed supposed Bombshell, and now the obvious FACT that all of them were blatantly lying about Russian Collusion. 

Our Journalism is dead. The media is dead.

You should trust Putin over Schiff or Swalwell or Pelosi or Nadler.