Virginia is certainly in a wee bit of mess aren't they? Which is a shame because I love the South. I want to eventually move down there. Not Virginia per se, probably New Orleans, but still I love Southern culture. But this guy Northam is a piece of work, isn't he? Infanticide and BlackFace? Talk about destroying your own career Scorched Earth Style. And NOW Justin Fairfax, the Lt. Gov, who's scheduled to replace Northam, is being accused of Rape. The AG of Virginia admits to wearing BlackFace as well. 

What is in the water in Virginia????

Speaking of water and insanity: Has anyone else read Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's Green New Deal? What the deuce was that? I feel like the whole Democrat Party is imploding and it's beautiful to watch and behold. Let's grab some popcorn, some smores, and really revel in this spectacular show of deranged stupidity they are putting on for us!

Not a single aspect of AOC's Green New Deal is feasible, practical or rational. None of it. Not one sentence. And we will go over the Deal in all it's odious glory.


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