Abortion is at the forefront of our National Debate- yet again. It's gotten so heated as a topic that actual violence it taking place on Pro-Life protesters around the country. 

My question in this episode is obvious and rhetorical: Of course it matters when life begins. However, I don't think that this question is truly at the heart of the issue here. Perhaps for a lot of misguided young people it is. We can hope and pray that as Young People are exposed to the Scientific Reality- overwhelmingly proven that Life begins at conception--they will change their minds on the issue and NOT get abortions.

But I don't think the question is so easy as that when directed at Older Americans or Activists or NARAL and Planned Parenthood directors or employees. I see something much deeper and darker happening there. I see a refusal to accept reality and a willful rejection of any kind of Sovereign Authority or Moral Objectivity outside of themselves. I see a willful, sinful desire to rule as gods. A willful placing of Human Autonomy over Human Life in importance. 

In order for Abortion to be defeated what we need is a heart change in America- a repentance of sin and a turning away but ALSO an acknowledgment that WE ARE NOT gods, that there is a God above us in whom all Right and Morality can be known and APART FROM HIM we are left to our sinful inclinations and ultimately to our own destruction. 

Buckle up buckaroos, this is a wild episode!


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