The Midterms are just a few days away. Every news cycle is busy predicting this or that. Busy hyping one guy or gal. Here at Woke Nation, I'll say my brief peace on the Midterms, I've mentioned politics and political figures directly in previous episodes, but Woke Nation was never intended to directly promote and speak on politics per se. I wanted to address culture and ideas. So instead of hyping one candidate or other, we shall discuss Free Speech and what the demise (temporary?) of GAB means for social media users who value Conservative thought and free speech. Vanity Fair, Tina Nyguyen, wrote an article slamming GAB and other Conservatives as trying to 'red pill' America with fascism and Nazism and racism sugar-coated as an alternative to Mainstream Liberal Thought. This is obviously a lie and repugnant bias. The article is the work of a hack who did little to no research of her own. 

Also, at a time when scrutiny of Conservative leaders, believers and ideology, is at an all-time high: What the duece would possess Candace Owens to say the childish and stupid things on Twitter that she's been unleashing this week? I mean, is she auditioning for 'Mean Girls Go Conservative'? Co-starred by Tomi Lahren and (a bit suspect perhaps) Blair White? Miss Owen's ego is out of whack. It has already sabotaged her with Kanye West who denounced her on Twitter and claimed she tried to use him. Candace Owens needs to grow up big time. And someone needs to shrink her ego for her before it further humiliates us all again. 


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