With control of social media, Mainstream News and Media and much of the music and literary word, the Progressive( read: Regressive) Left is now dominating the country's conversation, not only in content but also in the language we use. They are seeking to control the Narrative and the Narrative's prose. There are several ideologies and beliefs which have not been proven or passed peer review which are now taken as sacred fact. And to challenge these ideologies can lead to the destruction of your personal and professional life. Peter Hayes sets out 5 of these Narratives and seeks to at least keep the debate alive. Free Speech, freedom of conscience and free debate are some of the most precious tenants of a healthy society. The Left is out to remove them from American culture. Also, to be fair, Woke Nation is opposed to anyone on the Right who is engaged in this sort of thing as well. Tyranny is no respecter of race, creed, sexual orientation of Political Party and can come from any and all sides and walks of life or belief. As free American we need to test, measure and challenege anything anyone from EITHER party says. Tune in next time for new episodes of Woke Nation. Remember to subscribe on iTunes, Podbean and YouTube and leave a Review.  Buckle up buckaroos! Re