Once again, first off, there are many many spoilers discussed in this episode.  If you have not seen the movie and do not want to be spoiled, we recommend you DO NOT listen to this until you have seen the movie first!!

So we've all seen the movie.  There is some parts WE LOVE.  There are some parts that still need some work.  Aaaand, yes, there is a part or two that made us cringe.  With that said, we all enjoyed our time at the theater to watch the movie we waited so long for.  What were our favorite parts?  What parts did we not like?  What would we do if we were in charge?  We answer all of those.  Plus...we get an unannounced but very welcome visit by Retalition's Director - yes, Mr. Jon M. Chu himself joins us from his kitchen.  He spends nearly an HOUR with us candidly answering every question we asked him.  What an opportunity - thanks to Justin for setting that up and thanks for Jon joining us while going over opening night return numbers.  We had a blast doing this one and we hope you enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime recording of WOJM!

Once again, spoilers are abound - you have been warned!