CrossFit Filthy150 kicks off tomorrow and we have links to the live streams. The event is paving the way with cool workouts and unique movements.

Thursday, November 21st, 2019

Good morning and welcome to the WODDITY podcast for news about CrossFit. We are a daily podcast, Monday through Friday, doing CrossFit news in five minutes or less.

My name is Ben Garves and today is Thursday, the 21st of November, 2019. 

CrossFit Filthy150 Workouts

We are, depending on your time zone, one day out from the start of the 2020 CrossFit Sanctionals season, which kicks off Friday with the Filthy150. We have a link to the live streams in our show notes, but what I want to talk about today is how cool some of these workouts are. So far, it looks like the Irish Sanctional has released all but one or two of their planned tests of fitness. They range from a bike and run combo to some hardcore team worm action. They’re using some lesser-known movements like the the Regional Lunge, the Unbroken Rope Climb, and the Sandbag Clean for distance. Not to mention the mysterious elite individual event six, which is just mysteriously known as “Big Go”, and event nine which is just labeled “Squared and Rooted”.

What they’re doing on the team side of the competition really stands out to me. This is going to be grueling for the athletes, but so fun for the fans to watch.

A workout called “Heavy Handed” has teams competing for the highest total squat clean output, but with athletes completing handstand walks before they do one rep on the bar. That may sound normal to you, so this is where it departs from the usual. Teams are divided into male-female pairs. The first pair will have five minutes to rotate through as many handstand walk-squat cleans as possible with as much weight as possible. Teams will have to minutes to reset, then the second pair will go. The winner of the event will have moved the highest total weight on the squat cleans. Yes. This means doing a high weight is important, but just as important as actually cycling through and doing as many reps as possible. What a cool twist.

The second workout I’m loving is called Machine. It has teams completing an alternating Isabel and Grace back-to-back. For those not familiar, Isabel is 30 snatches for time, and Grace is 30 clean-and-jerks for time. Here’s the catch: while the teams alternate through their reps, the members not completing a rep will have to hold their weight overhead. That’s 60 repetitions of a moderate barbell weight held overhead, in between 60 of your own repetitions getting that bar from the ground and up, over your head. Cool stuff, y’all.

AMRAP Roundup

Today’s AMRAP Roundup has five stories. This segment buzzes the headlines of great stories in the sport today. You can find links to the full reads in my show notes at if you want to find out more. Five stories for time, let’s go!

The Washingtonian featured Kathy Novak in their “How I Got This Body” segment this week. Novak, now 34, has lost over 200 pounds from her highest weight around 400 when she was 19. She credits a number of things, but finding CrossFit, putting herself in the driver’s seat of her nutrition, and a whole lot of Kelly Clarkson have helped her get here. Huge congratulations to her.Gabor Torok has responded to his drug test sanctions, but it’s the same “tainted supplements” story we keep hearing. I figured I’d mention it if you want to go read the response and hear the same thing again, but I think we’re at a point where athletes should be well-aware of need to use certified supplements.This has happened too many times to too many people for there to be any reason you’re still whimsically taking these things. Sorry, man.Roger Lockridge at FloElite has written a great story about Ben Smith and his keys to recovering from Injuries. Smith made a pretty successful comeback from a knee surgery to compete in the 2019 CrossFit Games as a wildcard and looks through his 2020 Open performance to be back at it again.Most of the people who follow this podcast know Carolyne Prevost as a CrossFit athlete, but she’s actually a legend in the Canadian Women’s Hockey League, having played for seven seasons before the league shut down this year. Prevost is working to advocate for the future of women’s hockey, participating in Professional Women’s Hockey Players’ Association showcase tournaments around North America. If you’re a hockey fan, take a look and help Prevost save the sport by showing your support at these matches.And Jessica Danger at Morning Chalk Up is telling the story of Jon Levell, a CrossFit coach and hospital system business manager who worked to get CrossFit included in the services they offer to their senior citizens on Medicare. The world could use more people like Levell .

And that’s it for news about CrossFit on Thursday, November 21st. The news is over. That’s the bad news. But a protein-packed turkey day is just seven days away. That’s the good news. But your family will be there, so...bad news.

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Thanks for listening. For WODDITY, I’m Ben Garves. We will chat tomorrow. Our live stream commentary starts at 8:30 AM Eastern, 7:30 Central, 5:30 Pacific. See you there!