Lynn Mullican was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona, where she currently resides with her husband and three children. She has woven her fascination with the paranormal into written works including short stories, dramatic plays, poetry, and full length novels. In Crystal Dragon, book one of the Bad Elements series she incorporates years of extensive knowledge in self defense and martial arts as well. Lynn began writing in her childhood, and to this day, her family has continued to support her dream.

Bad Elements: Crystal Dragon is the most popular of my books, especially since it was recently re-vamped and promoted the most. 

BAD ELEMENTS: CRYSTAL DRAGON - Crystal Bouchard awakens imprisoned in an underground cell with no recollection of how she got there and with no memory of her prior existence. Held against her will, her captors threaten to kill her son unless she fights to the death in the underground fighting circuit. Nicknamed "The Dragon," she spends the next several years among werewolves and vampires. During the course of searching for her son, she slowly begins to recollect her prior existence before her imprisonment, pushing her deeper within the fighting circuit.