We will be talking to Lanaia Lee, an author who has had to overcome immense adversity to get to this point in her life. She is now writing fiction stories like, "Skulls of Salvation" which is the second book in the five-part series, Of Atlantis.
Skulls of Salvation, set in modern day, takes the reader on a quest to save mankind through the jungles of Belize and the Mayan ruins. Led by Damien, who is a disciple of Archimedes, one of the Kings of the Lost Continent of Atlantis.
He and his beautiful wife, Ionna, are in search of the missing legendary Crystal Skulls of Belize which are said, when all together, to have the powers to save mankind
from the total destruction predicted to take place on December 21, 2012.
Ionna, a direct descendant of the Mayan king, Pacal, leads Damien and another faithful follower into the jungles, ruins and underground rivers and caves that are believed to contain the 3 lost skulls of perfect crystal. Unbeknownst to them, Archimedes' arch enemy and mystical survivor of Atlantis has other ideas. The group expands as other lost friends join them to face the ultimate evil and save the planet from destruction.