Today’s WOCTalk podcast topic was suggested by one of our WOCN members! During this episode we sit down with Karen O’Brien, CWOCN, from the Cleveland Clinic Main Campus in Cleveland, OH. Karen is part of an experienced nursing team that has been awarded the best nursing team in the entire Cleveland Clinical Nursing System twice in the last five years. Listen to this episode to learn about the Kock Pouch surgical procedure, more commonly referred to as “continent ileal reservoir”, “Barnett pouch”, and “K-pouch”, and to learn about the types of patients that are appropriate candidates for this procedure, surgical complications, and the role the WOC nurse plays in assessing and treating people living with K-pouches in both inpatient and outpatient settings, and tips for people living with K-pouches.

If you think you'd be a good guest for an upcoming episode, if you have a topic idea to share with us, or if you would like your questions or issues addressed in an upcoming episode of WOCTalk, send an email to [email protected].