Parastomal hernia development is a common complication for a patient with a stoma. In this special bonus episode of WOCTalk, we sit down with Janice C. Colwell, RN, MS, APRN, CWOCN, FAAN, to discuss this complication and the content she presented alongside her colleague, Neil Hyman, MD, at WOCNext 2019. Their session titled, “Parastomal Hernias: A Surgeon and WOC Nurse Perspective” reviewed the incidence, clinical presentation, risk factors, workup and surgical and non-surgical treatment of the ostomy patient with a parastomal hernia.

This session, while presented onsite at WOCNext 2019, was also presented as an official WOCNext 2019 education rebroadcast. The rebroadcasted webinar and this podcast were both supported by an educational grant from Hollister, Incorporated.

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To view a free recording of the webinar Parastomal Hernias: A Surgeon and WOC Nurse Perspective visit the webcasts section of the WOCN Society’s Continuing Education Center at