Too many times Veterans in America are taken for granted. America has a long history of ignoring the needs of the most brave after they have served this country and have moved on into the civillian world contributing to society as they best see fit. Considering all the studies one of the most important followups should be the mental heath of these heroes! After serving in conflict after conflict, war after war, and even training to prepare for the ills of war, combined with the challenges many Vets face at home WHILE serviing, it's easy to understand how one's mental health can and often times is affected! Right now many of our Vets need not only immediate health care but also need basica things like housing & food assistance. 

Well help is here in the form of OPERATION R3. Our friend Earl Phillips has taken the time out to explain to us what Operation R3 is and how they aim to help with some of the challenges our brave Vets face. Join us on the #1 Supporter of our troops and the #1 and longest running Real Truth Real Talk Radio Show in the Land THE KIRP RADIO SHOW with Host @NcPudgy Miller!