Send a note to Allen & Donna…

We've come to the end of the Season One here at the WKRP-Cast and Sunday mornings will never be the same. This time around we meet the uniquely incomparable former wrestler turned pastor, the Reverend "Little Ed" Pembrooke. Little Ed's Sunday Morning program, brought to you by his "Church of the Mighty Struggle," delivers salvation, victory over sin, the occasional demon through a soda machine and an endless supply of "religious artifacts."  Step right up and get your very own "John the Baptist Shower Curtain" or "The World is Coming to an End" Lawn Furniture. It's all absolutely FREE when you make a 'small donation' to the good works of Little Ed's Church.  Some of the more 'proper' religious leaders in Cincinnati have noticed Little Ed's electronic tent revival hucksterism. They've descended on WKRP wanting to put a stop to it. Andy's pinned to the wall...Art's making a getaway on an Exercycle and Johnny's worried the good Reverend has set aside an extra heapin' helpin' of healin' just for him. Pull out your checkbooks, fellow, I mean's time push 'play' and feel the POWER!

[Want to watch along with us? It's a blast!! We highly recommend the 'Shout Factory' boxed DVD set of the entire WKRP series. For reasons you'll have to listen to in the "Prolog"  episode, all streaming versions of the original "WKRP in Cincinnati" have had the original music cues removed. Generic music beds and stings were used in place of the original music for the syndicated version of the series. 'Shout Factory' has been able to restore an estimated 85% of all WKRP music cues to the original "as-aired" content for their DVD release. They've also restored scenes that had been cut to shorten episodes for syndication. The original eps ran 25 minutes. The syndication eps were shortened to 22 minutes. Over 88 episodes that's more than four hours of lost content, including the performance by "Detective" at the end of "Hoodlum Rock." Get the COMPLETE series...get the Shout Factory DVDs. The Shout Factory complete series box has a release date of 2014. All individual seasons of Shout Factory disks were released starting in 2015.]

The WKRP-Cast is a weekly re-watch podcast spending time with the original "WKRP in Cincinnati" which aired from 1978-82. New episodes every Tuesday. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. 

Hey Fellow Babies!! We talked to Gary Sandy. Don't miss our exclusive interview with Andy Travis now available from the WKRP-Cast. Wherever you get your podcasts.

If you are new to the WKRP-Cast, welcome and thanks for listening. You might be thinking, "hey, aren't they missing some shows?" It does look that way but rest assured, there is a WKRP-Cast episode for EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of WKRP.

Some episodes may currently be unpublished because we are in re-runs. They will all be coming back in the next few weeks. Subscribe in your favorite Podcast Player and you'll get updates when they are re-released.